Trying not to get too excited

N • Beautiful Nikolai born 12/29/17 👶💙 Lucca born 1/13/21🌻 In love and feeling myself 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
I legitimately think I'm pregnant this time. I'm almost 90% sure. The last few cycles I've been convinced I was (symptom spotting like crazy, not this time) but not at all like this. This one I feel almost scared with how... true everything seems to be. It's almost like being in shock because you feel to your core that it's true and you're scared that it is but also happy? So odd to try to put into words. It's just the few things I'm experiencing along with odd sensations in my lower belly that are so very real and there. Fatigue, large appetite, and this very weird sensation below my belly button. It'll be below to the sides of my belly button too. I think it's the pulling sensation that everyone talks about but it's not really pulling, more like a twinge that is in a line... it's so hard to describe. I'm testing with a frer tomorrow and I'm feeling calm as well as nervous. Deep breaths 😵