my birth story ❤️ 01/31 - 02/01... surprise induction!

On 01/31 I was at work. I had my doctors appointment the next day but I called my doctor around 9 that day because my baby wasn't moving as much as normally. It's happened before but this time I felt uncomfortable about it. They went ahead and told me to come in to get an ultrasound. I was 37 weeks and 5 days. I went to the doctor on my lunch break thinking I was just being too worrisome and I would go back too work. Anyway I had my ultrasound and everything seemed fine, she measured 5 lbs and 14 oz however the amniotic fluid was a little low. I didn't think anything of it and I apologized to my doctor for making a big deal. She said she thinks I did the right thing... Even though everything seemed fine then she didn't want to let the pregnancy carry out any further because of possible future complications due to low fluid. So she gave me 2 hrs to be back at the hospital because I had 2 other little ones i needed to see about and make sure were taken care of while I was in the hospital. So I text my manager. Called my mother in law and husband. I went home and got my things and my husband drove me back to the hospital. Arrived at 4:30 pm. They put in a gown and put me in a bed. My doctor came in an hour later and did a balloon type procedure to dilate me (I was only 1 cm) and left the ballon in overnight. It was painful. It gave me cramps, contractions, and the shits. And was super uncomfortable because I had a balloon in my vagina and a tune hanging out. They gave me ambien and a Percocet around 10 and I finally went to sleep for about 3 hours. They took the ballon out next morning on 02/01 around 4 and I was dilated to 3 cm. they started me on pitocin around 5 and my doctor broke my water around 6. Contractions got intense but not as bad as I've experienced in my previous pregnancies. I asked for epidural when pain was about a 7. I got the epidural around 10. Now we wait. At 1:15 I was dilated to 8 cm. at 1:20 I felt a recognizable pressure in my bottom and said I think I'm ready to push. He called my nurse. She checked and called my doctor and said I was ready. My doctor came in, I pushed 3 times and out came my beautiful baby girl, crying lol. I was shaking real bad at this point due to epidural side effects. This was the first picture I got of her... About 15 min after she was delivered........ 6 lbs and 1 oz. 19 1/2 inches long.