Coming Out Videos

I see all of these celebrities and Youtubers who come out with these videos, telling the world who they are and I think it's so sad. 
I think it's sad that these people feel the need to explain themselves to people they don't even know. Last time I checked, no one has ever felt the need to come out as straight, yet everyone other than straight makes these videos to feel accepted into society. 
And guess what, I think that is pure bullshit. I think it's ridiculous that there are people out there who judge others, hate on others and make comments about others for being who they are; for being something they can't help but to be. Those videos are so emotional and it breaks my heart that it takes so much out of these people to even say the words, "I'm gay" or "I'm transgender" etc. out loud. It's so hard for them because they aren't accepted like they should be. 
I also am so grateful for those who make these videos for people out there like them, to hopefully give them the courage to feel accepted. I think the more people who love themselves and have the confidence to share to the world that they love themselves, the better. 
I just want to say that as a straight woman, I accept you, I love you and I always will. You are who you are and you're perfect that way. If you haven't come out, know that there are people like me who will be there if you need someone. 
I honestly can't for the life of me understand what goes on in someone's head who can't seem to accept others based on who they are. As if someone being gay or any part of the LGBT has hurt them in anyway or made their life worse. If you are one of those people, take a few minutes to think about how these people negatively effect you, because I'm almost certain they don't. 
So I'm just here to say, I stand with you and I always will 🏳️‍🌈❤