My Baby Girl is here! and her birth story!

Because the last two days have been busy, I haven't had a chance to post anything on here. So I would like to formally announce the arrival of Jocelynn May! She was born 2/11/17 at 3:15am via c-section. My precious princess is so amazing and beautiful! And tinier than I ever could have imagined!!
My birthing story starts with going to my routine appointment on Thursday 2/9. My blood pressure was normal at first, then started to climb as I was doing pretty remedial things (like peeing into a cup). So my doctor sent me to the hospital to be induced because it was staying around 169/97 😦.
I got to the hospital at 1:45pm and got hooked up to Pitocin right away, but that didn't progress me. I was 2cm dilated and 70%effaced at the drs office, and there was no chance after 6 hours. That's when they decided to give me Cervidil instead, so we started that at 11pm (which has to stay in for 12 hours before doing anything else). Good news is, my contractions started at around 4 am the next day and were pretty consistent and I was at 3cm dilated and 99% effaced, so they started me on the pitocin at around 1 pm. The contractions got incredibly intense after that. I had such bad back labor that I ended up getting the epidural, but it also helped with my blood pressure, amazing stuff! At that point I was only dilated to a 4 and in tears from pain and stress over my bp. I relaxed for a few hours and was starting to feel my contractions through the epidural at around 8. They checked me again, and to my surprise I was at a 9, almost time to push!!! They got all set up and had the doctor ready, so I started pushing at 10 pm. They kept telling me that I was a natural and I was doing great, but 2 hours later... we could barely see her head. I pushed for another hour (every contraction... like a champ) but she didn't go any farther... she was face up and stuck on my pelvis. Time for a c-section. I will not lie, I cried... HARD. I went through all of this hard work, just to end up with a c-section after all. My mom was upset because she couldn't see her first grandbaby be born. And I just wanted to hold my baby!! They took me at 2:00 am, and my sweet girl was out about an hour later, at 3:15 am. She was here, and she was perfect. I am so in love!!!! She did end up being taken to the NICU because of being jaundice, but she is nursing well and being an absolute sweetheart. My SO is amazing! He is helping me so much and being an amazing support. I am incredibly sore and tired, but she is so worth it. I never knew I could love someone so much.
She was born 2 days before her due date, but she did NOT want to come out. Lol. My stubborn little girl.