Maintaining weight, high calorie diet.

Since the birth of my third child 12 years ago, maintaining a healthy weight in a healthy manner has become impossible. I lost my baby weight immediately and continued to drop weight rapidly, tests were ran and healthy as can be no physical reason for loss. Started seeing therapist, no need for mental health intervention. Fast forward 8 years and divorce struck my happy little island, lost weight like crazy again. Now 4 years after all the drama of a divorce I am still struggling to maintain a healthy weight in a healthy manner. If I am not gorging myself on junk (which makes me feel horrible for days after..... physically not mentally) I drop weight like crazy. I am fairly active as a bartender, I track what I eat so I can ensure my calories in exceed my calories out and still drop weight. Back to 112 and dropping.... I am tired of looking like a pre pubescent kid (I am barely 5 ft 2 in). Any ideas here, I don't want to gain just maintain, I want to feel good and eat right.