Would you be upset?

So I've been on metformin for 3 months now. 3 months ago, my dr said that I'd do 3 months of metformin and then start clomid. Well I called my dr last week, and she said go get a semen analysis first. Results came back today 100% normal. 
Keep in mind I'm on cycle day 2, so if I were to start clomid this month, it would have to be very soon. 
Well now that her assistant said everything is fine, my doctor told her to tell me that she hasn't decided what she's going to do this month and won't be bothered to really talk to me. Bear in mind my husband just spent $200 for a semen analysis she insisted we have done asap. 
The assistant told me that she isn't going to bother the doctor about it too much because my doctor is going out of town in a couple days and is busy. I get that she's busy. Am I right to be pissed? I feel like I've been completely blown off and my doctor won't even talk to me directly. I was told clomid would start if the semen analysis was fine and it was. Now they're just leaving me hanging and I'm pretty aggravated by it because I have to start it soon and I don't even know if they'll get back to me within the window. 

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