How do we fix the broken system?


In America, mental illness is looked down upon. Mental illness isn't taught about or even looked at as a serious issue. This has lead to a lot of issues. We have many people suffering from depression and anxiety, yet most people think the fix is "getting over it". Many people can't even recognize the symptoms of someone who is depressed or has an anxiety disorder. To many, schizophrenics are scary and to be avoided at all costs because they can't function. People aren't educated enough to know that "Split" is just a movie. People with bipolar disorder are so crazy because they be nice one second then bite your head off the next.

Mental illness is viewed as this entirely negative, evil thing because that's what TV shows and movies put forward. They portray the most "broken", the most evil, the most twisted, the most neglected and we don't have anything to say "Hey, those are just the ones that didn't get the right treatments or couldn't be saved. This is what is actually the norm." I've had friends say they were too scared to seek treatment for their depression and anxiety because they don't want to be labelled as crazy or shipped off to a mental hospital and force fed pills. There are too many people who don't have the access to mental health care, are on long waiting lists, or fully denied care. There are mentally ill people blowing people away because the system has failed them and on top of that, they've supplied them with a deadly weapon.

My question for you is, how do you think we should fix this? Do you think we should have mandatory classes, informational assemblies in school, etc? Do you think informing people and taking care of mentally ill people is an important issue? How important is it? If you have a mental illness feel free to share your experience if you are comfortable enough.

I don't want this to be entirely geared towards Americans so if you're from a different country, how is mental health care there? If it's great, what does your country do? If it's horrible, how do you think it can be improved?