Life at the moment


Well hi. Names Yadira

At the moment Id like to think I'm 70% redeemed from my crappy year of 2015.

Now here in south houston.

My boyfriend is in the air force in Abilene. Living on two different sides of our state is frustrating. Not as much as his mama though. She thinks I'm a slut. But I'm not.

I know I'm not perfect but neither is her son.

My boyfriend might be deployed I'm May. But its up in the air.

He wants me to move in with him though. I want to as well. But the other part about me is that I'm super family oriented. And I'm here in my grandmothers house because I take care of her. This Feb 15 marks a year I've been here because that was the day my grandfather left to be in the nursing home. My family isn't always helpful.

I'm turning 21 in this may. Honestly I'd like to continue my life further with my boyfriend since its past a year and I'm promised an all. But I don't want to feel like I'm abandoning my grandma

Ik she can live on her own. But I don't want to leave like that