my birth story!

At 39+2 I was scheduled to be induced due to having GD and the risk associated with stillborns and the medication I was on. I arrived at labor and delivery at 7:30am as I was instructed to, getting all checked into my room and putting on the gown. They even had my iv put in and my ob wasn't supposed to get there until 9. So we wait and finally he shows up around 12 because he was held up at the office. No big deal he was there and I was ready to go. After talking he mentioned he could send me home since for some reason he wasn't worried about my baby or I if we went longer or the other option was to start a cycle of cytotek. After much talk I explained to my husband thag I just felt we needed to induce. Call it mother's intuition or whatever but I just knew it was what needed to happen. So I received a half a dose of cytotek and left to wait and see what happened. I decided since I was already having contractions I would try to help things along so I started walking. 2 hours of walking then another 2 hours of bouncing on a ball then 2 more hours of walking I was feeling the need to be checked. I went from barely 1cm, 70% thinned to 3 1/2cm and ready to have my water broken. My ob was good with that and broke my water then I got my epidural in. A few hours later I was checked and was at 4cm so they started a low dose of pitocin and left me to rest. An hour later I was checked again and was at 7cm and 100% thinned. They thought in an hour or so I would be ready to deliver. Well 14 mins later I felt the pressure and when they checked I was at a 10 and ready to go. So after less than 10mins pushing my baby girl was born sunny side up. She checked out great which was a relief. She weighed 6lbs 8oz and was 19in long. Born february 1st after a total of about 12hours labor. I had some bleeding problems after delivery but with pitocin and meds it got under control. As my ob was pulling the cord to deliver the placenta it detached and left my placenta still inside me, so my ob had to push his hand in there and get my placenta himself. Thank goodness for the epidural!! Upon inspection my placenta was found to have a tear in it and it was noticed it had been positioned the wrong way in my womb. All of the ultrasounds didn't detect it but either way I knew my little angel needed to be born. Once she was delivered my ob agreed that was the best thing too. My husband also got to help pull his daughter out and place her on my chest. That was an incredible moment I'll never forget. My Scarlett Page is now 2 weeks old and we couldn't be more in love. She is my 4th and last baby and she completes our family so well.