When should I retest?

So my period is late 55 days which is really abnormal for me. My periods are usually on time, especially before being on the nexplanon (implant birth control similar to implanon) and for a while I was off of it. With that being said, I took 3 HPTs and they were all BFNs. I visited my doctor and my urine test was negative there aswell. She put me on progesterone to help kickstart my period. I was on it for 10 days and just took my last one 3 days ago and still no period. She told me to test again if I don't get my period and follow up with her so we can get some blood work done and go from there. I just don't want to test too early. Has anyone ever had a similar situation happen to them? When do you guys think I should test? Thanks for any and all input!