2/13/17 5:22

Morgan • 💙💜

Birth Story💙

2/12/17 at 3pm Pacific Time, I came in for my induction. Started out on monitors for an hour. I was 2cm 25% -3. This little guy was so high. I was 41 weeks with him. 

After an hour they put in the Foley Bulb to get me to 3 to 4cm so they could start Pitocin. 

About 730- Right before the bulb fell out, my water broke on its own. Biggest gush of fluid ever. My water continued to leak until I gave birth. 

About 830 - Pitocin is started

About 7am - Night and Day staff changed over and my new nurse decided it was time to get me up and moving cause I hadn't dilated anymore since my water broke. Techniques included a hot pack on my back while I swayed back and forth on a stool, squatting very deeply, and a hot shower. Afterwards I got to lay down. 

About 12- I was 5cm and the pain in my back was unbearable so we got an epidural, which of course wore off by the time birth started. 

About 4- I was able to start pushing, while I only pushed for an hour and a half, I was passing out in between contractions as I felt every tiny bit of pain. 

5:22 - Baby is born and very healthymom and baby do skin to skin 

He weighed 8.9lbs, 20 in long. Big chunky boy for my very first. 

Zayde Edward 💙👣 My heart has never been so full 😍😍