Relationship Problems

Ah, Valentine's Day. The best day of the year for those who are crazy in love. But what about those who are confused on the stance of their relationship? 
I have been dating my boyfriend for 1.5 years. I am 20 and he is 21. We've lived together for a little over 9 months now. 
We used to be very sexually active, and I do understand that sex gets less frequent; however over the past three or four months I'm lucky to get laid once a week. He turns me down very often. Now, that isn't the only problem. He also has stopped giving me as much attention/affection. He doesn't want to hold my hand anymore, he almost never gives me a "real" hug (he's a fan of the one arm hug), and he also does not want to kiss anymore. 
We cuddle at night, but I honestly think it is because I scratch his back and he sees it as almost this trade. 
He doesn't seem proud of me anymore. I do well in school, but he does not seem to care when I do great. He rarely ever calls me cute or anything, and that's usually when he has been drinking. I feel like he loves me the most when he is not sober. He also smokes a lot of weed here lately at night (we live where it's legal) and I don't know if it's actually to sleep or to put himself in a daze to where he does not have to put up with me. 
He's been inviting his friends over almost every night, and I can't tell if it's because he doesn't want to be alone with me or what. 
When we fight it gets ugly, and during his rage he's told me to basically get it together or leave. Then when I get upset and start crying he tells me he loves me and doesn't want me to leave. 
He got me a very nice Valentine's Day present (some jewelry). But would he spend nearly $200 on me if he didn't love me?
I've tried talking to my friends about it (both male and female) and almost everyone says it sounds like he doesn't love me the way that I love him, but he does not want to hurt me. 
Have you guys ever had an experience like this? How did it work out? I love him to the ends of the earth. I'm really confused, and honestly very hurt. I don't feel like I really serve a purpose in his life anymore. My heart is breaking and we aren't even "broken up".  I'm nauseous. I didn't eat yesterday because I am such a nervous wreck. 
Thank you for reading. 
*edit* I forgot to mention, but I have tried talking about it before. He says that I'm silly and that he loves me, but he does not try to act differently after the fact. It's really confusing. I think he loves me deep down and he does not want to hurt me, but I just don't know if he thinks I'm the right person for him or if he's actually "in love" with me.