
Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.
Do you believe a man that got a woman pregnant has a responsibility to care for her even after thr pregnancy? Whether they are married or not, were together, one night stand, anything. Of course there are some limitations. If they both knew that there was no protection being used and it was completely consentual, because rape doesn't count and if she told him she was on birth control and lied he probably shouldn't. Also if the birth control failed (and she can prove she didn't lie about it). I know men are supposed to be supportive of their children, but what of their mothers? I believe a majority of the time they should. There is a lot of things a woman has to go through in caring for their children, through pregnancy and all and I believe a man should be there and support her (not just financially). Even if they both have other spouses, because they are a family. For example, if she ends up being himeless somehow, he should put her up (and vice versa) unless of course doing so could cause issues like violence or constant arguing. So do you think a man has a responsibility to care for not only the child, but its mother as well?

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