My crazy water birth ❤️

I'm finally getting around to posting this almost a year later 😂On April 26th 2016 I woke up around 3am to a huge gush of warm water in my bed. I was soaked. I woke my husband up and asked him to put a trail of towels to the bathroom because my water had just broken. Thank goodness we had just put a water proof mattress liner on the week before just in case. Honestly I did that as part of my nesting phase. I didn't think we would actually need it lol I sat on the toilet for a while as the water continued to drip out and called my midwife. She told me to try to sleep and call her when I start having contractions. I put on a huge pad and depends and waddled back to bed. When I got in bed I felt a tiny cramp, but it was nothing really. I was so excited that it was hard to go to sleep, but next thing I knew it was 9am. I was shocked when I woke up because I still hadn't felt any contractions. Fast forward 24 hours later and still not a single contraction. I kept in close contact with my midwives and they came to my house to check on me several times. (They were so amazing). I walked around all day trying to get labor started. This was awful because basically every time I stood up or walked or anything water would trickle out and it felt like I was peeing myself. So awkward. Apparently your water continuously replenishes itself so I continuously leaked lol At the 27 hour mark I started to freak out a little because my midwives said neither of them had ever had a woman go longer than 24 hours after their water breaking. (I woke up at 7 am so 27 hours after my water had broken). I started to get texts and Facebook posts from friends and family telling me to go to the hospital and listing all the things that can go wrong. I started panicking and crying and questioning my entire birth plan. So I decided to do some research. After reading tons of research articles about the actual statistics of each thing that could go wrong I felt so much better. The risk of infection is actually so low if you don't get checked. As it reached noon (33hours) I decided to leave my phone at home, ignore everyone's calls and texts and go get my nails done with my mom and sister. We went to lunch first and I felt a tiny contraction. FINALLY! I was so relieved. We still went to get our nails done and got home around 3pm. I realized that my contractions got worse standing up and moving around and stopped when I sat or laid down so I stood during every contraction. I really didn't want another hospital birth so I was trying to move the process along. My husband filled the birth pool and I got in around 7ish. I wanted to sit during my contractions so bad but they basically stopped every time I sat in the warm water. Contractions started getting strong and close together so at 8pm I let my midwives know they should come. Around 10pm (43hours after my water broke!) I finally felt the urge to push. And also the urge to throw up lol I got up on my knees and started to push. After 2 pushes I could feel his head (and a ton of hair), but it was still pretty far in there. I pushed again and he was right there. This time I panicked because I could feel how stretched out my vagina was and how big his head is. I told my midwife "He's not going to fit!" I actually massaged the skin and pulled it back over his head, pushed one more time and his head was out! He had so much hair! I could feel it swaying around in the water. I panicked again at this point because his head was still underwater. My midwife said just to keep him underwater and wait for my next urge to push. I think I waited about 5 seconds and just pushed anyways because it freaked me out that he was under water. The body is the easiest part so I just grabbed his little arms and pulled him up out of the water! He was worth every second of pain and worry. He started nursing right away with the placenta still attached and then I pushed out the placenta. I was up and walking around within an hour and felt amazing. I didn't tear or anything and was hardly even sore! I fought for the birth I wanted and I'm so blessed that it all worked out in the end. 
Edit-Also the funniest thing...he had hiccups the whole last hour of my labor. Do you know how weird it feels for a baby to be hiccuping with his head in your vagina?😂