Neglect and shame


Ok. So I'm here with baby #3 almost 10 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling so guilty. I am not taking care of myself the way I did with my #1 (5years old) & #2 (5months old). I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm carrying heavy things like a 15lbs baby plus a diaper bag plus the infant carrier. I carry groceries. I carry work home heavy legal files.

Exhausted is an understatement. But there's nothing I can do to avoid our daily life. I can't stop carrying my baby. My husband helps when he's home but...the guilt and shame is so real. And of course this is only going to get harder as I get bigger. And I'm clearly going against what the dr said about carrying and lifting. Damn if you do damn if you don't. Just venting here.

Oh did I mention I'm also house sitting and baby sitting for my in laws. They have a 12, 10, 8 & 7 year olds plus my two for ten days. They help for the most part but I feel like its a never ending circus of dishes and laundry and activities.