Herpes? Hiv? Just a really bad flu? Caker sores? Help??

Husband and I are terrified we have HIV or Herpes 1 (oral herpes). To us, it doesn't seem like herpes because it hasn't left the inside of our mouths and lips. Thought it may just be canker sores if it weren't for everything else were feeling.

Sores on our tongues, lips, and inside of our mouths. Swollen gums that are bleeding. Teeth feel loose and painful. Sore throat & cough. Fevers. Headaches. General achiness and fatigue. I've had diarrhea no throwing up. My husband was throwing up the day the sore appeared.

My sore on my lip just appeared (photo with arrows.) They are white and tough. The other photo is of my husband. His lips are healing up. When wet they appear gray. His tongue is white. Mine is not.

What could this be? Could it just be the flu with canker sores because of weak immune system? Does it look like herpes? Anyone with HIV think this looks like that? We both have appointments to be tested but I'm panicking.