Am I over reacting? Mother in law issues

DazlinSmoke • We tried for 6yrs to concieve, a few years ago we found out that I had a uterine septum and had it removed. Now, 2 years later, just when we were losing hope... suprise!! A baby boy is on the way!

I feel my mother in law overstepped her boundaries, but she and my husband make me feel like it's me that has the problem.

My husband and I have been married almost 6 years, we have been TTC for a long time and have had a miscarriage. I am now 10 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby.

Here is the issue...

As soon as we found out we were pregnant (4weeks) we decided to tell our parents and no one else. This is because I wanted privacy in case I ended up having another miscarriage. I told our parents how important it was to me to keep the baby a secret until I felt comfortable telling more people. They all said they understood.

I should have known that my mother in law would blab, because I have confided sensitive information with her before and she has told people thinking I wouldn't find out.

Anyways, A week later I find out that my mother in law blabbed to a family friend (Sandi). I was very upset and told her that I considered it to be very hurtful and a selfish thing to do. She broke my trust and stomped on my wishes/feelings. This showed me that she doesn't care about what I want.

She came back with...

"well I'm sorry, but I thought it would be fine because Sandi has been a friend of the family for over 30 years, and it was so hard not to tell her because she was bragging about her new grand baby and I was jealous. I wanted to tell her about my grand baby too. I also did it for you so that Sandi and I could pray for you to have a healthy pregnancy this time. It wasn't selfish, I did it for you. "

I find her excuses to be a load of shit. If she wanted to pray, she didn't have to give my name. She could have said it was one of her patients (she's a nurse) or anything... she didn't have to give out my information AND tell Sandi all about my infertility and previous miscarriage too!! I think my mother in law is very selfish. And what bugs me more is that she hasn't called and apologized to me. This has all been through text. Plus she hasn't truly apologized, she has said "sorry, but..." which to me, is not an apology.

My husband doesn't think is a big deal, and that pisses me off even more.

I have been ignoring my mother in law for the past 5 weeks, she lives out of state so it's easy to do. I told her I wasn't going to give her anymore baby updates until we tell everyone else.

Well I am now 10 weeks along and we decided to tell everyone about the baby. But, my mother in law still hasn't called to apologize properly, just texts excuses. So now I don't want to tell her even now. She asked my husband about it and I asked him to tell her that calling to apologize would have helped weeks ago. So.. she called HIM tonight and gave him a bunch of excuses on the phone, the same ones she texted me a few weeks ago. And he didn't defend me, he just said "oh okay mom, that's fine".

I am furious. I feel I deserve an apology, not a text of excuses. I am also pissed at him for not telling her she needed to own her shit and apologize properly TO ME. I feel so let down.

Am I crazy??