i went into active labor on sunday morning after 2 days of pre labor

i went into active labor on sunday morning after 2 days of pre labor. my husband and i went to l&d to see where we were and they told me i was only 1 cm dialated. at this time, baby was 80% effaced and at 0 station. we decided to head home and labor there as opposed to being confined to a bed, and I am so glad we did. i continued to labor at home
for about 14 hours when my contractions were finally consistent enough to be admitted. we also found out that my water had broken at some point which i never felt, it was a small trickle as opposed to a big wave!! i labored at the hospital for an additional 7 hours and was given both petocin to help jump start stronger contractions and an epidural.. after about 12 hours of trying to maintain strong contractions to jump start the dilation process i had only dilated to about. 4. since the epidural was helping with the pain, i decided to take time to sleep. this was arounfd 11
pm. after continuous hours of petocin and monitoring we decided to have a cesarian. Sarah was born at 7:49 pm on Valentine's Day at 7lbs, 2.8 oz and 20 inches long! i was in active labor for a total of  37 hours, and although we wanted a vaginal delivery, my body was just to small to allow any pressure to be put on my cervix. Sarah is healthy and beautiful, and her father is absolutely in love with her already!