Super Bowl Baby!

PC • Mama to Cruz 💙 Kaia 💖 and Shaea to come 💗
My due date was 2/7 but as I bet when I found I was pregnant - he arrived the day of/hour before the Super Bowl started on Sunday 2/5. 
On 2/4 my mom and I went and got pedicures and I requested an additional massage of 10 minutes, specifically to push all pressure points around the ankles in an attempt to nudge labor along. I had pedis two times before and both time I had some reaction to them. So I figured this was a good bet (I was 39w4d). Nothing happened that afternoon, much to my dismay.. but then 3:30AM rolls around and I'm awakened by some fairly intense menstrual cramping every 5-8 minutes. I laid there in the dark for 3 more hours tossing and turning to see if they would change or alleviate, but they didn't! I timed them all and at 6:30 woke up my husband, texted my sister and parents (who were in the guest bedroom) that we were gonna have a baby today!! 
7:00 I got up and had my bloody show 
7:30 I had breakfast
8:00 we were on the way to the hospital 
8:15 checked in!! And checked. I went from 4cm and 80% effaced from a couple days prior, to 5cm and 100% effaced. I was progressing so they admitted me. 😁 This was it! 
10:00 they break my water 
And from this point on my body does some fantastic work dilating on its own without pitocin. By 3:00 I am 7.5 and contractions are killing me. Consistent back labor pushed me over the edge and I requested the epidural. 
4:00 hit and I was practicing my pushes until the doc got there - it was almost time. I was a good pusher they said and to stop before he came and doc wasn't there. 
4:23 doc got there just in time - baby Cruz was born. 
I had delayed cord clamping and skin on skin.. he is as healthy as can be with an APGAR score of 9.9. So proud! His sweet little cry made my 3rd degree partial tear so worth it. They were stitching me for a while but I was in a daze of happiness that it was over without any complications. 
My first pregnancy and from onset of active labor to delivery was just under 13 hours with 6 of those being after the water broke and got pretty intense. 
He latched immediately and breastfeeding commenced! Daddy cut the cord and witnessed it all even though he didn't want to initially. The nurses took him through the process and pointed things out - like when he was crowning and to check out all the hair! 😳 I don't think he's traumatized but I'm happy he was in the throws and got to see what we women go through. Much respect to all!! 
Cruz Schuyler Leon - Super Bowl baby 👶🏻