8 days old and an absolute doll!

Being my third born I thought the labor would be my shortest yet...so not the case. Due 2/8 we were scheduled to check-in to the hospital on 2/6 @ 5PM to prepare my cervix for morning inducing. My contractions were already 4 mins apart at that point so we opted to see where it went. Water was broken at 7:30PM @ 4cm's. By 2AM I was only 5cm's and pitocin was given. This is where it got real. I now know the difference between natural labor and induced labor. 😳 All I've ever known was induced labor and with this little girl it was the most painful labor, ever! It took another 5 hours before our girl arrived at 7:04 2/7 weighing 8lbs12oz and 21in in length. My biggest baby yet! Looking back on everything I probably would have started the pitocin upon my arrival to have shortened the labor and had I known her size I might have entertained the idea of an epidural. Either way we have our beautiful, healthy girl and I survived. 😉 My bladder did try to exit my body 2nd Day postpartum(I was freaking out) but that has worked itself out and I'm walking with less of a limp as the days go by. 😀