Go for it or nah

My one of my best mates used to be in love with me. So sweet and all blah blah blah. Now he is sorta a player. He has sex quite often with girls but they are aware it's a one off thing. Him and I are so close and some how we ended up in a convo about Valentine's next year and we were joking like yeah we will be each others and then he goes yeah and I'll buy you a massive present and we can have sex in return. Like as a joke. Then we have been texting and he said soemthinf and I was like well we will have to wait and see and he goes wow so it's not a no? I'm good with that and I go wait you actually wanna and he goes of course I do.

He always calls me beautiful and stuff

But should I go stuff with him ? Or should I wait to see if he cares about it more and like respects me more about the topic. Because I don't wanna be just another one on the list but it's been something we have talked about for 3 years. Before we became sexually active

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