Did they have the right to do this?

So i do competitive cheerleading. i was walking into the gym the other day and stepped right into the middle of a super heated argument. i walked around but i still heard and saw everything. there was one girl (on my team) we will call her Hannah. she was balling and her mom (we can call her Linda) and this other lady (Tracy) were SCREAMING at each other. Linda was yelling at hannah and was said to be "strangling her" by Tracy. she was saying that she saw it and doesn't care if Linda denies it. of course Linda did. they were talking to the other coaches and office workers at the gym. Tracy made a sideways "c" shape with her hand and said that is what she did. Hannah didn't deny that it happened and said that she was. Linda then stormed out of the gym and drove off. Hannah and her mom have had their issues in the past. Hannah was fine and i didn't hear anything else for the rest of the night. Do you think that if Linda held her neck while yelling at Hannah would be at all ethical? and do you think that Tracy had the right and should have said something? Please leave comments!!!!!