Should I include non-physically involved baby daddy in facebook/social media preggo announcement?


Hello all. I'm planning to make my pregnancy facebook official after my next doc appt (March 2nd) which will put me jusssst under 13 weeks. I planned something pretty basic (a T-shirt for me that says "Ahhh I created a monster!" And a onesie that says "monster". I'll be wearing my T-shirt, and I'll have the onesie splayed next to a calendar turned to the due date with the actual date all decorated.) My baby daddy and I broke up shortly after conception and he moved to another state. He has no intentions to move back to help with the raising of said child, which has been a point of some contention between us. But he has been otherwise supportive and though no deets have been nailed down, there is at least the impression that he aims to be some kind of involved long distance and financially (I'm not really holding my breath).

However, when it's time to announce, should I include him? Like a "I created a monster--*tag* with baby daddy"? 1. Even though I'm mad at him for not being a part of baby's life, I want to show inclusion behaviors as a good example 2. It might head off all the baby daddy questions...but, on the other hand, he's not physically here and it only otherwise involved when I contact him. Plus, I'm still mad and spiteful. -_-

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