I need advice

I've basically been talking to this guy on and off for year. 
When we first met we use to talk everyday, he even took me to the cinema as a "first date" after that things got a bit steamy,we didn't have sex but things happen. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said he didn't wanna be a In a relationship. 
We stopped speaking for a while, and then suddenly starting talking again after bumping into each other on a night out. We had a little kiss but nothing else. Yet again we stopped speaking for a while and then started speaking again...... 
Months later just before we was casually speaking and messaged him to tell him I got my braces off, that night he called me to come out so he could see me teeth ( I know strange) so I went and we were cool nothing happen. 
Now recently, his car was in the garage so he called me to give him a lift home Ashe was near my house, this then turned into me picking him up and dropping him home or to work for a whole week..... surprise suprise, he didn't communicate with me for a whole week,until the following week where by he calls me at stupid o'clock when I'm sleeping. I called him back pissed off the next day and he called me for no reason .. so he says... the same night he called me back at midnight asking to go out , I did say no but ended up going cinema the day after. When we went to the cinema he asked when we was going to have intercourse  which I then said never and he replied with you know I think your good looking and I'm the only one who's gonna put up with you for the rest of our lives. Then end of that night I went to hug him bye and he kissed me. 
Now on Sunday I saw him and things got steamy again, we kissed and he only fingered me . I left and he hasn't messaged me. So I messaged him today to see how he is and he was so rude,one of the messages he sent was"lol don't reply to this message" I the replied "😮" which he then replied" can't lie you've chosen the wrong day" so I don't know what I've done wrong, but he had mentioned to me that his grandfather had passed away around two weeks ago. 
So I don't know if he's pissed off or whatever, I don't know if be used or being sidechick or if this Guy generally likes me because when we're together we so cool, but we don't text like how we used to and we never talk about things like that. 
Plus this sounds really lame but he avoids my snapchats and instagram pictures. 
I really need some advice cause I'm so confused cause I really like him and he actions are just confusing.
P.s- since paying for me that one time, when we've been to the cinema the last two times I've had to pay for him 🙄🙄