1st time trying for a baby... 6 months later.

I am 24 years old. I turn 25 this year. My husband and I decided to start trying for our first baby 6 months ago... I thought it would be easy! But here we are half a year later... and I know - I know it's nothing compared to some of the women within this Glow community, but it still sucks.

My mom and sister have been pushing me, because there are no babies in the family yet and my husband and I have been married 4 years this fall. And on top of that, I work as an OB RN. I LOVE my job! I get to do such amazing things with mothers and newborns. It brings such joy to my heart. But lately, I've been feeling kind of bummed that my time hasn't happened yet..

I have a retroverted uterus. My cycle is 31 days long. I have been irregular as a teenager, but fairly normal for the last several years with no birth control. What's up here?!

I suppose I'm just looking for words of encouragement! I'm trying to remain positive and stress-free, but now I'm starting to get anxious.

Praying for everyone on this app! Even though I haven't had a years worth of heartache, I do know the feeling of getting that negative test or buying tampons after several weeks of planned sexual intercourse and peeing on ovulation tests every morning...

Much love to all of you amazing women. Xx