What to do?

To cut a long story short, my boyfriend and I broke up about a week ago. Currently I am 8 weeks, going on 9 weeks pregnant. 
We are barely even on talking terms, and when we do communicate it ends in arguments. When my mum was at the supermarket, she ran into his mum who said he was taking it awfully, very upset all the time. So I thought I should reach out to him and make sure he's okay, seeing as we were together for 2 years. 
WORST mistake of my life. He has been down right rude and nasty to me, saying things like why do you even want to keep the baby, etc ever since I reached out to him. He said his mum was basically lying and the he is fine. 
Bottom line is I am fed up of it. I can't tolerate anymore of his horrid attitude towards me anymore. I am struggling with hyperemesis and generally having a very rough first trimester without his negativity. 
If his attitude towards me doesn't improve I want him out of my life for good. He is taking something that is meant to be a happy time and completely ruining it for me. 
He has no plans for financially or emotionally supporting me or his child, and it makes me livid to think that in 9 months time after treating basically us like this he thinks he will swan in and out of our life. 
To add to my anger even more he's, the one claiming he's wanting to be involved because I can't do it on my own (bullshit!! Because I currently am!!) and then making ABSOLUTELY NO effort what so ever to find out about his baby. He barely even replies if I am civil with him and keep him updated on what's going on, but I am 10000% done and sick of his childish behaviour. Right now the most we are communicating are few short texts everyday. 
Any ideas??