My period is 8 days late, Help!


I had unprotected sex of the 7th of February, but only for less than a minute to try it. My period was due the next day but it has been 8 days and it still hasn't come.

I was sick from about the 1st to the 6th with a bad cold and have been stressed recently which might have thrown my period off?

My fertile window was from the 21st to the 27th of January. I've been having milky discharge and cramps. I was gassy a few days ago, but that might have been caused by fatty food I ate that day (which I don't eat often). I have not experienced any nausea, fatigue (although I am quite tired in general due to lack of sleep) or any more back pains than usual (I have a very sensitive lower back). I don't think my breasts are any more tender than usual and do not appear to have had any swelling.

Is there a possibility that I could be pregnant or am I looking too much into things? I was meant to start taking the pill this month since I get very heavy periods that cause me to pass out and get sick. My periods do tend to change dates a lot but have been somewhat consistent lately.

Idk I'm just feeling very anxious at the moment and wasn't able to sleep last night because of it 😥