ttc almost 1 year

Hey girlies!
I hope you are all well?! Me and my boyfriend have been ttc for almost one year. I suffer from pcos so my periods can be a little off balance at times! Anyway.....last month we BD on 21st Jan and I should have ovulated around the 28th Jan although on the 24th I had tonnes of ewcm (sorry tmi) and when the 27th came I never had any. This making me think I may have Ovulated early? So anyway....I got my period on Sunday 12th Feb but it wasnt like any other period - it was very light (no tampon needed and only brown blood when I wiped). It last just under 2 days - could have been implantation bleeding by any chance? For the last few days Ive been having cramping on my lower right side and really sore boobs. I have also noticed my height of smell if up - could smell Vodka in my work today(I work in law) and I could smell candyfloss yesterday morning at the bus stop(weird smells lol). Also I have noticed my cm has been EW since I stopped the light bleeding. I was going to give it until Monday to test and see but I was just wanting some other peoples in-puts.
Sorry to go on lol! Baby dust to you all👶🏼✨ xx