After Egg Retrieval

Michelle • 34, DH 37. ttc #1 for 4+ years
Hi ladies. Just had my ER this morning, and they got 14 eggs! Yay! I just have a question because I'm not sure if I should call the doctor - I've peed twice since I've been home (it's been about 5 hours since my procedure), but when I go my urine smells like sulfur! Is that normal? Sorry if TMI but I have a little discharge with blood, which I was told was normal - I smelled the tp after I wiped and it's not the discharge, so the smell is def from the urine - has anyone ever experienced this? The urine isn't cloudy, it's pretty clear, so I hoping I'm not getting a UTI - maybe it's just the anesthesia meds working their way out? 
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I don't remember having my urine smell after but it was 2 years ago. The light sporting I had. I actually had a uti before and during my retrieval. Did you end up calling your dr? I called them for a ton of different things.


Jennifer • Feb 27, 2017
No problem!


Michelle • Feb 22, 2017
Thank you! I'll check it out!


Jennifer • Feb 21, 2017
I get it on amazon. It's helped me tremendously.