Do you have sex with clothes on or off?



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My best friends ex used to not get naked ever. The first year she had sex with him he would literally just poke his dick out of his pants and fuck her. She said it was so weird because she'd be butt ass naked and he would be fully dressed 😂


Jennifer • Feb 17, 2017
Because he was a fucking weirdo 😂 he was the bad type of insecure, the kind that never took his shirt off in from of his gf of 3 years but went around and cheated on her with a bunch of other girls because the attention made him feel better about himself 😒


Azul • Feb 17, 2017
Lmao whyyy?? 😂


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The only time I prefer clothes on is if it's in public and we may need to make a quick getaway haha


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Depends on how much I want it and how fast we move towards sex. I'm not patient and tbh I'm usually not completely naked until after, when we cuddle xD.


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Ive had both but if im clothed its usually just lingerie bc my bf finds it sexy


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It totally depends 💁🏼