looking for some support.

Hannah • #girlmom
Sorry it's so long but bear with me. I need support and advice. 
First of all my husband works a 4 day a week 9-5 job and has a second job that he works overnight 2 nights a week. He is also a part time college student. Sounds like a super hero! I stay home with our 3 month old baby and take care of all the house needs. I have talked to my husband many times about how I feel lonely when he works night shifts. He does this job so we can afford for me to be home with the baby. But the last few weeks I have felt like I am doing all the parenting on my own. He works usually until 6, he gets home around 7-730. We eat dinner and then he goes to bed exhausted.
I take care of the baby all day and once he goes to bed I do all the night duties. He will entertain her while I cook dinner. That's about it. He doesn't change diapers and obviously he can't feed her, I exclusively breastfeed. I also have family near that I usually have dinner with when my husband is working nights.  It the last few weeks they have had plans I can't join in with an infant. They have also made plans to do something I can go to and change them last minute leaving me out and unable to attend. 
I'm starting to feel really lonely and worried about falling into PPD. I was clinically depressed in college and don't want to feel that way ever again.