So Far Successful Pregnancy After MC 2 Months Ago

Shunnie-Lynn • Expecting Baby #1 October 6 after a miscarriage December 24th 💕🌈| Jay has my ❤️
I am officially 7 weeks pregnant and feeling great! I've thrown up once, cramping but no bleeding like last time, my boobies have hurted the whole time lol but that's it 😍 nausea comes and goes but it isn't horrible 💕 Monday we get to see the baby after two weeks and get to see the heartbeat. 😍 after a miscarriage  on December 24th (worst Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>) I've been so scared but I've made it a week further than last time and no scary symptoms at all ❤️ pray for me you guys that this baby sticks 🌈💕 tell me your rainbow baby stories whether your trying or were blessed like us!