Clear blue Advanced. HELP PLEASE!

Amanda • 27, Married, 1 Boy 1/17/18
On Cycle Day 11 ( 2/14) I got a Peak Smiley. I never received any high fertility smilies....this is the second month in a row. We baby danced that night and Wednesday. My BBT increased on Thursday making me think I possibly did ovulate. However, this morning it dropped again, telling me I have not ovulated yet. This evening I decided to take my ovulation test again.... completely expecting to receive low fertility or not be allowed to test. It let me test and I received PEAK fertility again!!!!!! Is this normal? Does my body just take a few days to ovulate once I reach my peak? Am I just producing LH hormone and not actually ovulating? Not exactly sure what to think.  Any feedback would be appreciated as I am feeling extremely confused! Good luck to all ❤️❤️