Cannot believe this happened to me....

Aubrey • 26, married 06/2013, 1st babe born 9/17/2017 💜, 2nd babe born 4/20/2020 💜
I just have an insane story to share with y'all. My first appt. was yesterday with my midwife and she wasn't able to find the HB which wasn't concerning. They took blood for labs and I was supposed to get results today. I text my midwife around 3 and asked if she had gotten them back and she said that she was just getting ready to call me and to prepare for a call in a few minutes. When she called she gave me the news that my blood test had come back negative....which was really strange. She said I'd probably had a missed miscarriage and should prepare for that to happen in the next week or two and she was going to schedule an ultrasound for next week to see what exactly was happening in there. I was obviously crushed and had to leave work, called my husband, etc. The midwife had told me to go get a pregnancy test and see how it turned out and to let her know on a Monday. So I drove to Target and picked up several tests because I wanted to be sure I was no longer pregnant. On my way home she called me and said that those results weren't sitting right with her so she called the lab and sent them my urine sample and asked if they would run my blood again and test my urine as well. They called her back and told her they wouldn't need to run my urine because someone at the lab had written down that my result was negative but it actually WAS positive. So after all of that I am still pregnant and did not have a missed miscarriage. So happy that it turned out okay but oh my god that was a horrible thing to have happened. 🙄🙄 just thought I'd share!