old stalkers

Hello so this might be a bit long and I'm sorry but thanks if u read the whole thing. So basically I have what I call a stalker. He has been trying to get me to be his girlfriend for ten years but the things he has done to me is .... well I went to the same school as him and when we were in year two he fought any boys that I talked to and when I would talk or hang out with him he would hit me. The school I originally went to was really bad so when 'the stalker' attacked my mum when she tried to take me home we went to the principal and asked him to deal with the situation. But he didn't. So every week I was called in to have a weekly counselling session because he was really getting to me. In yer three I moved schools because of him leaving all my friends. Even tho the new school was only five mins away we made sure not to leak that information to anyone but my closest friends. So because he didn't know he attacked my two closest friends for three years. This included following them home and asking their parents for them to drive him to my house. When my best friend came to my highschool, everything got a bit better for two years until I saw him at the shops when he said to the people he was with that I was his girlfriend. This rumour has been going around for five years and I had no idea. Now I  fourteen and he saw my friend at the shops and told her he is enrolled at the school for next term. I am really afraid because he said he was coming and now we have proof and the problem is he is enrolled in all my classes. I have really nice friends at my school and they said they will stick by me and stand up for me especially one of my really tall friends. He is really tall and looks intimidating if u don't know him so he said he will pretend to be my boyfriend for me. Thank the lords. But I'm afraid and I don't know what to do. Any suggestion? Sorry again for this being so long but I just had to vent.