leave me be 😩

I'm going to sound like the biggest bitch but hear me out. My SO and are both currently staying home. I just got a PT job and he starts school Tuesday to finish his degree. We have two babies and I'm currently pregnant with #3.(only 5w2d) He's retired (so he gets a paycheck every month) but anyways back to my problem for the past 4 months he's been obsessively clingy omg 😩 I'm dying! He gets upset/his feelings hurt if I go out with my mom and sister! Especially if I don't check in and let him know I'm okay and where we are going. We are literally home together 90% of the time and that's still not good enough for him. He complains how we never spend time together when we're always together. I love him but god I need a break from him. My mom lives with us because she needed help after my sister f'ed her over and got her evicted. So she moved in with me and he gets jealous whenever I go hang out in her room like seriously?!? It's gotten so annoying that I just avoid leaving the house even with him. Am I overreacting ? What do I do? 😅