Why does he get to leave????


My Husband and I got into a little bit of a fight tonight. Which very rarely happens. Lately i haven't liked the way he has been taking to me. Just a little snippy. Idk what's going on with him. He has been talking to other people that way to.

However tonight i told him how i feel and he got mad, "passive aggressive" and decided he needed to go somewhere to think.

Alright cool i guess, but then he said he would go to his mom's for the night. Now WTF????

His mom lives an hour away and it's not like we don't have a newborn at home. But hey I'll take care of all this and he can do him i guess.

His mom and i aren't on the greatest terms so i would assume it will be a "kristina is a bitch" fest.

Idk what kind of person I've become, i think ive just got tired of taking other people's bs.