Came in for my scheduled 5am induction at 39 weeks

Came in for my scheduled 5am induction at 39 weeks. This is baby number 4 for me so I knew mostly what to expect. I got my epidural at 8:30am and my water was broken at 8:55am. Baby was OP so I got on hands and knees to try and rotate her. When I flipped back over, epidural line snapped! CRNA attempted to fix line, but my epidural slowly started to fade. By 10:30 I was begging for him to do something different...I could move my legs completely, I could feel everything. I was on 16 of pitocin and contractions steady every 1-2 minutes. Anesthesiologist came in and bolused me (again). At this point I was coming off the bed. He said if boils didn't help then he'd redo my epidural completely in 10 minutes. 
His bolus did NOTHING! 2 minutes after he left the room I had THE contraction. The one where I knew it was time. I yelled it was time to push. Midwife hardly had time to get in the room before I was pushing...all natural, completely against the plan. 2 contractions and only 5 minutes of pushing and our little girl entered the world! Most intense, painful moments of my life, but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat!