
I have always had some anxiety growing up due to my upbringing. When I had my son in 2013 my anxiety got a lot worse. I've gone to therapy on and off for the past couple years trying to coupe with it and it has helped some, but not much. I'm to the point now that I feel like I need to do something more. My son (he's three) told my mother in law that he was trying to think of something he could do to make mommy happy because she wasn't having a good day. It broke my heart to think that he can see that I'm struggling. My husband has also made comments about how we could never do some of the things we used to because of my anxiety. I hate how my anxiety makes me feel, but even more than that I hate that it is effecting my family. I'm irritable all the time and I hate it. My daughter is 8 months old now and my anxiety has only gotten worse over time. I just don't know what step to take next. I don't want to take anything like Xanax that is addictive, but I think it's time for me to try something such as antidepressants. I have an appointment with my OBGYN in a week for something unrelated, is this something they could potentially help me with? Or do I need to make an appointment with my PCP also? Any advice would be appreciated.