BFP Dreams!

Last night, I had 3 very vivid dreams of taking pregnancy tests. The first one, I was with my parents. They both looked down at 2 tests I had taken and were so excited! I woke up from that one and fell back asleep right away. 
The next dream, I was on my own, and my tests were so clear and both very strong positives. I woke up from that dream (still half asleep) and wrapped my SO's hand around me and put it on my stomach and fell right back asleep with a smile on my face. 
The next one was just another repeat of the first. 
Could this maybe be a sign? Have any of you experienced this and got your BFP? I'm not expecting AF to come for another week, and I so cannot wait to test!! I've had the feeling of being pregnant for 2 weeks now. I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks about 2 years ago with a different partner and and I remember how everything felt then, here I am feeling it all again!