Am i right for leaving him

Okay so this is going to be a long story so bare with me. 
Okay so i was with this guy named R and our relationship was wonderful until we argued, it would mostly start because i would tell him how i felt like "why don't you post pictures of me", "I feel like you don't care sometimes" stuff like that but i was never mad i said it out of sadness and he would get shitty and say i was ungrateful and he'd get an attitude and make me cry and most of the time he knew i was crying but he would straight up tell me "Idgaf if your crying" id get called a bitch, dumb, stupid and one time i even got called worthless, he even went on facebook and made a post saying "that bitch broke up with me so she could go be a hoe and fuck with other niggas" IVE BEEN LOYAL THIS WHOLE RELATIONSHIP  HES GOT MY PASSWORDS TO SOCIAL MEDIA EVERYTHING. I'd have breakdowns because of the arguements we had. One time he even called me 20 times telling me if i didn't answer that i was stupid and that id look stupid carrying all my books out of his locker at school the next day. Yes i'd said my fair share of insults but NEVER have i ever went past the fine line of insulting his appearance or his worth id tell him he'd be stupid if he lost me or he's just like his dad.(his dad is not a good guy). So recently my cousin kept telling me to leave him everyone i've ever told out arguements to they've told me to leave him and i couldn't because i was so in love with him we were so comfortable with eachother to the point where i made him my first time and i was his. We were together for about 1 year and 4 months and we did EVERYTHING together. But like i said before everyone was telling me to leave even his sister because he was so prideful and mean to me and didn't think before he spoke to me. So recently my cousin had me meet a guy named D and D had a NICEE car he was very attractive he spoiled his last girl he was loyal he wasn't disrespectful but she left him for another guy basically telling D she no longer loved him, and me and D would talk as friends and he would give me advice and stuff and i'd take it. but wayyy before i met D i was already thinking about leaving R after the fact that he was tryna threaten my dad and he called me worthless, so one day he asked me why do i feel like u don't wanna be with me anymore and i told him exactly why and he got really upset and didn't take it well, he wasn't mad he was just sad, and he called me crying he told me he went into depression and i told him the feeling you feeling now if exactly how i felt everytime we argued, that feeling of being alone the feeling of not having anyone the feeling of losing someone they love thas how i felt many many many times i popped pills to keep myself asleep i drank i smoked to relieve the stress and now that he was feeling that pain he started feeling regret he started saying he was gonna change but i knew he wasn't because he always said he was gonna change everytime we would "breakup" during arguements. So i was at school this week and he wasn't because he had a fever and i told him we could still talk as friends because i still have tht love and care feeling for him. So just yesturday he brought me flowers and a promise ring that i've been wanting for so long.. I couldn't even accept it because i knew he was doing all of this just to get me back and that everything was going to be exactly how it used to be after a month of being with him again. SIDE NOTE i've been getting rides from D after school and now he's caught feelings for me. I dont know it hurts to see R like this because i docstill care so much about him, But i really think it's best that me and him go our seperate ways we're both 17 btw and D is 18.
So am i right for leaving R or should i give him another chance for maybe the 100th time now.