need advice

We have been TTC for about 2 years without any luck. Well a few weeks ago I got that lovely positive. Well like 4 days before my doctors appt I had a miscarriage (which they confirmed). Needless to say my heart broke. Well we only told our parents the sad news but of course word gets around. My sister in-law invited me out to lunch (that I had to be dragged to since it was 1 day after my appt) and asked me "where exactly were y'all even planning on putting the baby?" We have a small house. But who the f*ck says that. Then she went on to inform me that she thinks now is a good time for her to start trying. She has said she's sorry but I can't let it go. I heart still hurts from the miscarriage. I feel like she was taunting me. Also the hubs is mad because I refuse to go anywhere she is. 
I should be pissed right?