Sex partners and advice please

So this is going to be pretty personal but I don't have anyone to go to on this. I'm 17 sophomore in college (ya I started young). I'm very reserved respectful type. Up until last night I had only had two sexual partners both very respectful guys. But last night I got horribly hammered at my best friends S.O's house. I don't remember much of anything hammered. Long story short....guys took advantage. I had a threesome with two guys that I've never meet nor do I know there names or what they look like. And I also had sex with another guy (alone) 7 times (I'm told). I cannot shake this dirty horrible feeling. Can you guys give me advice. I have not been able to sleep since blacking out. I would never judge a girl on something like that but we all know the majority of people aren't like that. I so regret everything that happened. My body is covered in bruises and scrapes. I feel so dirty all I wanna do is cry.