just to brag on my wonderful boyfriend

💚 Tydee 💚 • 2 previous MC in May & August of 2016. 1 Rainbow baby Zaylee 💕 & another one on the way 😊
3 days ago I was so sad my period came on & I was out this month, I never got drunk or high ( black&mild ) but my bestfriend & boyfriend was like omg I wanna see you drunk & I was so stressed out so I said what the hell .. I got drunk & I didn't get high ( bc my bestfriend said I don't know how to smoke I kept putting it in my mouth &I blowing it right out 😂😂 ) but back to where I brag on my boyfriend I hate when he's in the BR and I have to change a pad or I'm peeing & he can see it. I hate when he touch on my ass when I'm on it .. it's just a really insecure 5 days for me 😭 but I got drunk on my period & I woke up the next day with new panties on a new pad and some shorts no bra not shirt I look over and see the pad paper on the ground .. I get up to pee & my bad is half way off my panties 😂😂😂 I thought to myself yeah he changed my stuff 😂😂 I was so shocked I thought he would've gotten my bestfriend to do it & when he woke up he was like babe sorry if I didn't do it right I was so confused 😂😂 thanks to the best boyfriend ever 💚