Lost my grandmother today

We lost my grandmother today. I was at a different hospital on clinical (nursing school). For some reason, I chose to leave my phone in my bag instead of keeping it in my pocket.. My husband had been trying to reach me for a good 2 hours, when I finally took lunch and found his message to call him ASAP. I knew she was in the hospital for pneumonia but I didn't realize it was so bad she was on life support.. They were going to take her off life support today and she wasn't expected to live through the day. I was almost to my sister's when we found out she already passed. I feel so horrible. The last time I saw her was her 80th birthday party 1.5 years ago. I was trying to make it but God decided to take her before we could get there. I'm glad she's not suffering and that she's now with my grandfather but I regret and could kick myself for not making the time to go see her.. Being pregnant definitely doesn't help the emotional state either.. I'm just miserable