feeling guilty about deciding to stop breast feeding

My LO is 11 weeks old and about 6 weeks ago my supply has dropped significantly due to having to take antibiotics for a infection on my nipple. Ever since taking the antibiotics I maybe get 3 oz combined on a really good day. My right breast only produces 1 oz at most while my left is 2 oz and then I supplement the rest with formula. The past few days my right breast has only been producing 1/4 of an oz and my left is only 1 oz. I was thinking of just drying up my milk and giving my daughter formula only but I feel so guilty it's like I want to give her that little bit of breast milk but I don't know how long I can go on just getting that small of an amount. I literally pump 20 min each breast
I have tried fenugreek and lactation bars and pumping more often...all of that stuff and it hasn't really worked :(