2 weeks on the pill, he didn't pull out but forgot pill later that night


Hi im on the pill and after 2 weeks we had sex and he came in me twice. I was protected that day though.. . I took the pill the nighf before at 11pm and had sex around 12pm and 3pm he didnt pull out because we knew the pill would be effective after 7 days...

and my vagina was very dry since the start of the pill indicating that its somehow working...

However i went home and we both fell asleep early around 830pm i was late for a pill by 10 - 11 hours... From the usual 11pm to 940am something...

Do you think I ovulated in that 10 hours?

Do you think i shouldve gotten plan b? I didnt because my packet said i didnt have to... And i was afraid it would mess my cycle up.

I exactly was late for the 16th pill.. A little close to my free week (5 days) i have 21 active tablets here... will I ovulate on my free week because i missed one/late for one? Scared because they said the week before your pill free week is the most important one.

And also how do you trust your period when on the pill? Isnt this fake... So if ever i do get my period on the pill it wouldnt be because im not pregnant but because im on the pill?