bless tampons

okay so im turning 17 in a month and just recently started using tampons because i got my period early and unexpected this month and i wasn't wearing the right underwear to wear a pad. so iv been a pad user since the beginning when i first got my period and the reason being is because my mom thinks that wearing tampons when your a virgin is bad so shes not really like happy about me wearing tampons and wearing tampons are actually the best thing i have ever done because i dont feel it and pads are the most uncomfortable things in the world like thank you for whoever created these magical cotton shit to stick in your vagina and not feel it but anyway my question is does anyones moms think the same way and are there other reasons that virgins shouldnt wear tampons because my friends moms think the same exact way and they arent allowed to wear tampons also say any good and bad tampon experiences bc im curious and bored asf