Birth Control Talk Ladies!!!

I had the implant for a full year and hated it! I had periods that lasted 40 days and only stopped bleeding for about 4 days before starting another 40 day period, I just recently had mine removed and decided to give the Nuva ring a shot. (it's too early to tell if this is a better fit for me) different types of birth control are better for different people,and with that I would also like to add that if you are a very physical person like myself (being in the national guard) there is a chance to bend or break your implant, When I had mine removed it was at a 90 degree angle in my arm! I've tried the patch,I've tried the implant,and now I'm trying the ring sometimes it's okay to not like your birth control you just have to find the right one for you! Best of luck to all of you lovely ladies!