hey ladies!

Ashia • 20 years old February 19. Ttc baby #1 for 2 years. Currently in college studying Paralegal.
Hey everyone! I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 1-2 years ago. I have been currently trying to find someone to talk to about this journey I am on. I am not taking any medications at all for it now. Metformin was the worst. I was sick everyday for a long time and finally just quit taking it. I was also on bromocriptine for the hair growth and that didn't work either. Also, I never did lose any weight with any of it. I tried and tried and no matter what I do, it seems like I CANNOT lose weight all. I have been ttc for 4 years now with no luck except one miscarriage and that's when I found out I had PCOS. If anyone is going through the same thing I would greatly appreciate if we can become PCOS buddies to help cope with what I'm dealing with. I know no one with this. The depression from it is so bad also. And I always feel alone and no one understands me.